Santa Cruz Sister Cites to host Shingu Delegation
Santa Cruz Sister Cities will celebrate the 5 0 - y e a r r e l a t i o n s h i p with S h i n g u , J a p a n
O c t o b e r 5th , 2 0 2 4 from 6 : 0 0 p m - 1 0 : 0 0 p m at the S a n t a C r u z M u s e u m o f A r t & H i s t o r y
Ticket Information
Early Bird $55
Regular $75
Under 21 $35
Cocktail Attire
Drinks, Food and Refreshment throughout the night, Live Music, Pop-up Market and
Access to the MAH Exhibitions
Join the Shingu Mayoral delegation, and State and Local Representatives as they celebrate the 50 year relationship together!
Tickets available at SantaCruzTickets.com
Our Annual Bowling Fundraiser Will be Happening on the 6th of May!
Come have fun bowling while supporting the Japanese Cultural Fair at the same time! It will happen on Saturday, the 6th of May 2023 with two time slots; one at 9:45am and another at 11am. Feel free to dress for the occasion. There will be friendly competitions and prizes available. More information can be found on our events page: jcf.events with downloadable forms available, or just click on the poster below.
Free Parking!
Driving this point home really hard but we want to make sure everyone knows they can park at the county building and take a shuttle! The shuttle is every 20 minutes to and from the parking lot. Dozou yoroshiku!
701 Ocean St.
Santa Cruz, CA
103 Emmett St,
Santa Cruz, CA
Parking Map
Full Steam ahead for Gyoza!!
We’re excited to welcome Full Steam Dumpling to Santa Cruz and also include them in our exciting lineup of Japanese food this year! They’ll be serving yummy gyoza.
Just check out their story hot off the press!
Follow them on instagram @fullsteamdumpling
Come out to our bowling fundraiser!!
When: May 11th 2019 9am-12-pm
Where: Santa Cruz Boardwalk Bowl
$100 Entry Fee Per Team. All Fees and Donations Tax Deductible
The Santa Cruz Boardwalk bowl has graciously offered their space for us to hold a fundraiser for the Fair. Come out to support us and click the link below to download the forms for getting together a bowling team for your company!
You can download the form at the following link:
Download the PDF for our fundraiser!
Thanks for visiting our brand-new blog!
Come back soon for updates on new performers and booths (including awesome food booths!)